Shannon Kay /Now


We've made it safely to 2024, and are now getting back to the routine of school for the kids and looking at what the year might have in store for us.

Updated January 27, 2024


I've been married to Jerrod for 15 years. Jerrod got his 5-year sword from Blizzard! Our kids are Guinevere(12), Caspian(7), and Beatrix(4)


We're excited to watch the new Percy Jackson series on Disney+, with our daughter, Guinevere, joining us.

I watch most things with my husband, so that's the "We".


I finished Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries and started the next book right away, even though it was basically bedtime. Now I'm fully engaged in Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett.

I've completed my read-through of Jane Austen books. I read the following Jane Austen books between September 2023 and January 2024. Some were re-reads, and others I was reading for the first time.

Currently Reading

The Last Fallen Star

If there's nothing here, it means I'm between books.

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